It was absolutely fantastic and the places you suggested and booked for us were great.
Brenda M
by The Travel Group
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Arm Chair tourist

As we pause our travel plans, we can't help but continue to dream about our future trips and adventures. With this in mind, we’ve rounded up the world to put it in your hands ! 


Melbourne and beyond. Grab a coffee or glass of Pinot Noir and enjoy a digital getaway to Melbourne with some of our favorite virtual experiences listed below or you can view the full list of Virtual Victoria experiences here.

Faroe Islands

Explore the breathtaking beauty of the Faroe Islands with their new Remote Tourism virtual tour controled by you!

South Africa

The expert guides in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and &BEYOND Phinda Private Game Reserve are still out and about in the field, monitoring our prized wildlife, and will be jumping online when they come across sightings. 

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We all love to watch those cute and curious animals, watch how they interact while social distancing!

Sea Otter live at Monterey Bay Aquarium, California.

Everyone loves a rolly polly Panda. Visit Sichuan, China.

Whales of Iceland offered a live introduction on the great big whales of Iceland at their showrooms at Grandi.

Learn all about Icelandic Horses


Sounds from around the world

Eurovision may have been cancelled this year. However, the song representing Iceland, Think about Things has not gone unnoticed. Visit the offical Iceland music playlist. Updated weekly on spotify. 

London: The Standard’s music division, curates a wide array of live music, from both emerging talents and legends, in scintillating and intimate settings.

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Museums and Art galleries

Google has recently launched a new service that allows art aficionados to take virtual tours of over 2,500 world-renowned museums and galleries right from the comfort of their couch. Visit the Getty Museum, Los Angeles California. Or the Field Museum to see their iconic dinosaur Sue. Or it's not a visit to New York without seeing the Guggenheim. Or hop across the pond (without the jet lag) and explore the iconic Tate Museum in London. You can explore over 500 years of British art in just one click.

Acts of Resistance, showcases the artwork of seven indigenous artist activists from the Pacific Northwest, whose designs flew from the Iron Workers Memorial bridge on July 3, 2018 to protest the Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline project. The exhibition features all seven of the 40-foot-long streamers created for the aerial blockade. Featured artists include: Brandon Gabriel, Will George, Ronnie Dean Harris, Ocean Hyland, Jackie Fawn Mendez, Marissa Nahanee, and Ed Archie Noisecat.

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Travel movies 

It's arguable that, more than any other piece of pop-culture ephemera, movies have the power to transport—to sweep you away on a European adventure (Before Sunrise), cross an African desert (Out of Africa), even send you to the never-before-seen Paradise Falls (Up). These 50 films are especially captivating, with well-told stories that evoke the magic (or harsh reality) of travel, and beautiful scenery that overwhelms the senses. Read on for the favorite travel movies of editors past and present—and get your Netflix queue ready.

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Top 10 world webcams

Treat yourself to a bit of armchair travelling and expand your horizons by discovering some of our favourite world sites via webcam.

Visit the 7 New Wonders of the world








Give those itchy feet just a little scratch as you check out these usually-crowded sites from a new point-of-view.