...you took our dreams and worked hard to fit everyone of them into our budget to allow us to fulfill them which was absolutely amazing...
Jaime and John L
by The Travel Group
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Conrad Bora Bora Nui Resort




Conrad Nui has colorful coral heads under and near its over water bungalows so it is the best Bora Bora snorkeling resort in Bora Bora. The area near the black lava rock is also teeming with fish. The water here is deeper, so is best for more experienced snorkelers. Some of the best snorkeling is right under the overwater bungalows. 


Contact Annie for more information about snorkeling in Bora Bora. annies@travelg.com or 604-605-5178.












Conrad Nui has colorful coral heads under and near its over water bungalows so it is the best Bora Bora snorkeling resort in Bora Bora.