Did you know: The Icelandic police don't carry guns. Crime in Iceland is very low and violent crime is practically nonexistent.





Is visiting one of the 7 Wonders of the world on your bucket list ? Why not visit one of the new Wonders,  Uluru. Also known as Ayers Rock it is one of Australia’s most recognisable natural icons. Click here to watch an amazing video.

Munch munch, some yummy leaves for lunch, or brunch!




The Koala is not really a bear, but is related to the wombat family, another delightful native of Australia.


Koalas live in eucalyptus gum trees, normally dozing by day and foraging for the leaves at night.

Koalas live in eucalyptus gum trees, normally dozing by day and foraging for the leaves at night. Learn more